Corporate, tertiary & government training for neurodivergence

Neurodivergent consultant providing corporate, tertiary & government training for neurodivergence.

Corporate, Tertiary & Government Training for Neurodivergence

Neurodivergent consultant providing corporate, tertiary & government training for neurodivergence.

Sarah Eagle smiling at the camera
At Joy Diving Australia, we know the way Australian workplaces are approaching neurodivergence is changing – building a culture of belonging, diversity and inclusion is now a must.

With new psychosocial legislations ensuring upskilling on neurodivergence for large corporate, tertiary and government groups, it says a lot about our workplaces – neurodivergence is a big part of our working lives. 

Utilising psychosocial narrative therapy, logotherapy and behaviour change models to build teams, I bring my background of neurodivergent coaching and 20+ years working in corporate group training to help your business strengthen your communication, behaviour, mindfulness, staff wellbeing and approach to mental health, in alignment with Australia’s current psychosocial regulations. 

Let’s break the cycle and help you get to where you want to be.

Tell us – is this what you’re looking for in your workplace?

  • To establish expertise and experience when it comes to understanding neurodivergence
  • To creating a culture of belonging and a welcoming work environment
  • To reduce staff turnover and make all team members feel comfortable, accepted and supported
  • Reduce your workers compensation claims 
  • Ensure that your workplace health and safety is up to speed with the current Australian psychosocial legislation
  • Reduce communication breakdowns between staff and customers, and create a collaborative, clear and cohesive work environment

The benefits of corporate psychosocial coaching

Increased productivity

Reduce workers compensation claims

Create new systems and processes in line with legislation

Retain staff longer (and happier teams!)

Creating support for neurodivergent brains in the workplace

Strengthen the culture of belonging in your workplace

The benefits of corporate psychosocial coaching

Increased productivity

Reduce workers compensation claims

Create new systems and processes in line with legislation

Retain staff longer (and happier teams!)

Creating support for neurodivergent brains in the workplace

Strengthen the culture of belonging in your workplace

How does it work? The process

At Joy Diving Australia, we know no two companies (or brains) are the same – that’s why we’ve created our corporate training to be flexible, based on your companies needs, and most importantly – identifying your needs as we see them. Supported by a network of industry experts, we are able to boost your productivity, implement policies and procedures in line with new psychosocial legislation while still fitting your needs.

Make time for a chat

Joy Diving Australia and mental health advocate Sarah Eagle will connect with your organisation to get to know your needs, desires and impacts required in order to ascertain the best program possible.

We focus on best practice first

Whether you’re a big or small organisation, our focus is ensuring you’re kept within best practice – always. We do this by delivering employee surveys or focus groups, creating a purpose-fit service for your company and where it needs to be.

Work closely with executive leaders

Implementing new programs takes support. Working closely with the executive team across numerous meetings ensures a delivery process between six to 12 months to ensure needs are met at every stage.

Gathering information, always

At Joy Diving Australia, we are experts at doing research on your company and the management of neurodivergence. We gather input from employees and key people, creating a proposal to address arising issues and concerns in line with legislative requirements.

Project delivery

Over six to 12 months, we ensure that your project is delivered and completed within the proposal scope, ensuring that your company fits the legislative requirements and you are meeting the neurodivergence needs of your current and future staff.

While we believe there is a place for the medical model, Joy Diving Australia works with your brain, not your diagnosis.

Case studies

Female, late 40s

This client arrived in burnout thinking she may have ADHD. Suffering from overwhelm, low confidence and suicidal ideation, she was struggling with all of the different roles in her life. Her goals were to improve her mental health, create sustainable income, and to manage her business, life, health and relationships better. 

The result: 

We identified the client had numerous significant health conditions that were left untreated. By supporting her to find a new GP and getting her back on medications, we explored a potential ADHD diagnosis and the client with indeed diagnosed with ADHD. From here, the clients moods significantly improved, with the support of life affirming medications and lifestyle changes that also saw her double her income in the first month of working together.

Female, mature

Joy Diving Australia offered support to a mature mother regarding her adult daughter. The daughter had been in a psychiatric hospital once a year for many years, which was privately funded. The family was looking for extra guidance and support on their next steps. 

The result: 

At the end of the consult, the mother contacted Joy Diving Australia founder Sarah saying, “I learned more in that hour and a half with you than we have ever learned about our daughter’s brain. You have saved us $60k of private hospital fees.” 

Female, early 20s

This female student was diagnosed later in life, accessing support in her 20s. 

The result:

After sessions working together individually and learning how to manage her neurodivergence, she said, “I’ve learned more about my own unique brain in our sessions than I’ve ever learned - with all the other supports I’ve had since I was a kid.”

Male, late teens

Struggling with his neurodivergence, this client failed his first year of university twice.

The result:

Through guidance and learning about ways to support his brain to focus, break tasks down and complete work, he has just passed his first assessment and hopes to continue working towards a successful study plan in the future.

How we help

Neurodivergent Brains: support in the workplace

  • Mental health and workplace wellbeing
  • Managing difficult conversations in the workplace
  • Implementing the ALT (Action Learning Training) technique


Deducted monthly or paid upfront

Productivity Booster

  • Customised training and support based on specific workplace assessment


Deducted monthly or paid upfront

Policy & Procedure Support

  • Support to write and implement policies and procedures in line with Australia’s latest psychosocial legislation
  • This includes qualified policy writer support


Deducted monthly or paid upfront

Executive Management Support & Training

  • Customised training and support based on specific workplace assessment


Deducted monthly or paid upfront

Joy Diving Australia in the Media

Logos for the following organisations: SBS, ABC, Channel 9, Channel 7, Cosmopolitan and 2AD Radio.

Joy Diving Australia in the Media

Logos for the following organisations: SBS, ABC, Channel 9, Channel 7, Cosmopolitan and 2AD Radio.