Keynote speaking, workshops & consultancy

Services for government and not-for-profit agencies, community groups, employers and Tertiary Education providers who are keen to create and imbed an environment and culture of belonging for neurodivergent people.

Over 20 years of experience in training and education

Sarah draws on a combination of her lived experience, training and education in narrative therapy, logotherapy, ACT Mindfulness, yoga teacher training, and Bachelor of Psychology with honours, and her extensive career working with people who have experience significant trauma. 

Sarah has over 20 years’ experience running workshops and keynote speaking. She easily tailors public speaking and workshops to suit your needs and themes.

Learn more about Sarah…

Every Keynote Speech or Workshop contributes to helping others in these meaningful ways

6-month private coaching and psychoeducation for a parent struggling with sensitive or neurodivergent children or teens who can otherwise not access this support

6-month private coaching and psychoeducation for a parent struggling with sensitive or neurodivergent children or teens who can otherwise not access this support.

Course development that will enable more people to transition from chaos to joyful living.

6-month private coaching and psychoeducation for a sensitive or neurodivergent person who can otherwise not access this support.

Subsidised Scuba Diving for neurodivergent people.

Keynote Speaking

Sarah is an accomplished keynote speaker and has presented talks across Australia at events for Local Lands Council, UTS, UNE, Schizophrenia Fellowship, CAG, Rotary and Lions Club, with powerful and emotional impact.

Congratulations – inspiring to see the power of community around the Walking Feat vision, and seeing good come from grief. Thank you.

Walking Feat Launch Attendee

Great, very glad we came… information much appreciated and many thanks it will be used and disseminated.

Walking Feat Launch Attendee

Support Walking Feat and do something to improve mental health in Australia.

Walking Feat Launch Attendee

Be inspired at your event and create opportunities for families and neurodivergent people to transform from chaos to joy by booking Sarah in for a keynote or workshop.

For more information on Keynote Speaking and Workshops, please Contact Sarah.

Custom and Standard Workshops

Keynote and Workshop Topics


  • From Chaos To Joyful Living – why and how
  • Inspiring growth and finding meaning through suffering
  • Challenging Stigma: What is Neurodiversity / Mental Illness
  • Purposeful Living

Culture Change

  • Creating and Embedding a Culture of Belonging
  • Embracing Diversity and Difference: Belonging Versus Inclusion
  • Bridging the gap between Neurotypicals and Neurodivergence
  • Workplace Culture: From a toxic to collaborative

What is

  • Bipolar
  • Schizophrenia and Psychosis
  • Depression and Anxiety

Well-Being and Self Care

  • Mindfulness Training
  • Living a Retreat Lifestyle
  • Workplace Well-Being
  • Tree of Life | Narrative Therapy Group
  • Self-Care for Social Justice Advocates
  • Living Purposefully

Workplace and Educational

  • Working with challenging behaviours and offenders
  • Supporting Vulnerable and Traumatised Australians
  • Boundary Setting and Self-Care in the Workplace
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Trauma and Trauma Informed Care and Recovery
  • Person-Centred Care – Authentically
  • Dignity of Risk, and Why is it Important?
  • Body Positivity and Esteem for Teens
  • Behaviour Change: Why We Work With the Systems Around the Person

For more information on Keynote Speaking and Workshops, please contact Sarah.

Consultancy and Advocacy

Cost: $350 per hour (plus travel costs outside of Melbourne, interstate and overseas).

For more information contact Sarah

For more information contact Sarah